The Liquid of Life – Water: Dream Meaning and Interpretation

Glittery, vast bodies of the world’s famous liquid stand before your eyes. You cannot be but in awe of nature’s impeccable design and creation. While wondering about these miracles, just as you take a sip of water out of the glass, you suddenly wake up. Almost everything on this planet is made out of this sacred substance. It cleanses, nourishes, and purifies our body and for that reason, it is a symbol of all of life on Earth. Without exaggerating, it is the womb of all that exists and the beginning of mankind.  In Jungian psychology it represents the vast subconscious, superconscious collective mind.

Therefore water symbolizes life, feelings, fertility, and abundance.

However, the meaning of such dreams depends heavily on the details, but generally speaking – water’s quality reveals your current emotional state. If the water is clear, you enjoy a calm and blissful period in your life, but if it’s muddy, some complications and difficulties will arise in the near future. Depending also on its condition it can imply very different things.

For example, when the water is fresh, it denotes fortune and health. If it boiling, it represents anger or illness. If it’s mild, it symbolizes temporary discomfort, and so on.

Scroll through the page to find the interpretation that best suits the dream that you had. Hopefully, you will find the answers you’ve been looking for. 

Definition of Water

A colourless, transparent, odourless liquid that forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain and is the basis of the fluids of living organisms.

Washing with water

When you dream about washing yourself with water, it represents that you’re currently headed on the right path in your life. If you’re rinsing your face or your body, it means that your life is pointed in the right direction, and all choices that you make right now will bear fruit. All your plans and goals will finally realize themselves and everything you’ve wanted for a long time will appear right in front of your eyes. Enjoy this extremely potent time in your life, and relax, because everything will fall into its place.

However, if you wash in the river, it is an ominous sign. It means that you will come across some severe losses in your life, either financially or professionally. Possibly, it may also represent a certain emotional turmoil, meaning that all your relationships and personal connections may also suffer an impact. Try to collect your thoughts and take some time to reflect on your actions and behaviors. Peace and calm will greatly help you to avoid any of the mentioned potential disasters. Center yourself and everything will settle down. 

Floating on water

If you dreamed about floating on water, it means that peace and contentment will enter your life. Every tough or unusual situation will clarify itself, and suddenly everything will become light and peaceful. All pressure is finally lifted off of your shoulders, and you can take some time to turn to yourself and relax. Usually, this is a recurring dream, which appears whenever you are in a good mood or disposition. The symbol of floating on water possibly reflects your stability and full control in the real life. In these moments, you have the ability to manage well your emotions and states and gain clarity about your future goals. You realize your purpose and role in this world, so many lucky opportunities may also appear at this time in your life.

However, if you happen to find some items underwater, they usually symbolize new insights and perspectives that you have gained in the recent past. These thoughts may also motivate you, and fuel your imagination to keep evolving and  

Drinking water

If you dreamed that you’re drinking water to hydrate yourself, it symbolizes soon fulfillment and realization of your desires. The things you dreamt about for years, will finally appear in your reality. However, the state of the water that you’re drinking may imply different meanings. It reveals additional information about your journey or path. If you’re drinking clean water, it means that you will accomplish your plans and attain your desires with little to no opposition involved.

However, if you’re drinking dirty, muddy water it means that you could experience on your path a setback that could slow down your progress toward your goal, such as illness or issues in your private life. Usually, such dreams refer to health problems that either happen to you or to someone close to you.

If the water is warm, it means that others are trying to meddle in your matters and interfere with your plans. Whereas cold water means that you will probably receive unexpected help on your journey.

Either way, success is inevitable at the moment. Have faith in yourself and your abilities, everything will turn out better than you could ever expect. 

Muddy or dirty water

When you dream about dirty, unclean water, it symbolizes danger and disruption in your life. Something ominous and very unexpected will stirrup your peace. You will likely find yourself in a difficult, troublesome, or maybe even life-threatening situation that will prevent you from fully immersing in the beauties of your life.

Although it will be unexpected, try to preserve your sanity and composure. Let the initial shock pass and quickly rearrange your thoughts into solution-based patterns, and try to reach a state of tranquility and peace. Don’t indulge in wallowing in your negative emotions. Retrieve from your daily life and practice breathing and mindfulness exercises. Even though the situation is demanding, there is always a way out. The only requirement is your clear head. You have the strength to do this, don’t worry. This experience will only add up to your development and personal evolution. 

Walking in or on water

If you dreamed about walking in water, usually means that some setbacks are about to appear in the near future. Some kind of situation will irritate and frustrate you because it seems that it cannot be solved. You may have to deal with additional blocks on your way to resolution or may have to jump through some extra hoops to get what you want. Don’t mind these little obstacles, they could all be successfully overcome with perseverance and endurance on your part. You will definitely make it through, but only if you make a strong decision not to wallow in despair.

However, if you dreamed about walking on the surface of the water, it means that you will be able to prevail against every hurdle that comes your way, no matter what are the circumstances. You will draw strength and faith out of your desire, and absolutely there will be no force on Earth that could stop you from achieving it.  

Water overflowing

When you dream about the overflowing water, such as in the tub with open faucets, it usually represents an overflowing emotion that blooms inside of you. It could happen as a consequence of some recent traumatic event that took place in your life, maybe a breakup or a loss of a loved one, or maybe something that you yourself considered deeply distressing. Your grief could spiral you directly into depressive states, which could make you think very disturbing thoughts. You should seek professional help to manage and heal your emotions. Conversing with a professional will help you dispose of all the painful clutter in your heart and find you a way to love, healing and peace. Remember that it’s a process that takes time, so the change cannot happen overnight. Have trust in yourself, because you can make it through, and ask for help. Every experience that we go through as humans, only makes us more rich and abundant as beings.  

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