What Does it Mean to Dream About Singing? Dream Meaning and Symbolism

You picture yourself on a wide, lit stage, in front of the thousands of people that scream your name. The feeling is indescribable and incredible. You slowly start to walk toward the microphone at the center of the stage and just as you took a deep breath to start the song, you wake up. Tagore famously said, „God respects me when I work, but He loves me when I sing.” Singing is a primal expression, used since ancient times when words fail to deliver. It can be said that singing is an advanced and heightened form of communication.

To be singing in a dream usually forecasts happy news and cheerful companionship. It usually represents happiness, joy, and upcoming harmony in your life. That also may be the means of your subconscious mind to redirect your attention to some neglected part of you. Try to remember the melody and the lyrics, because it will greatly improve and enhance your interpretation.

Whether or not the sound was pleasing, or was the words sad, the meaning can significantly differ. For example, if you hear yourself singing, it is a sign of passing troubles and happy endings.

However, if you hear others sing, it foretells great news. Scroll below through the page to find the interpretation that best suits your dream. Hopefully, you will find the answers that your subconscious mind is seeking.

Definition od Singing

The activity of performing songs or tunes by making musical sounds with the voice.

Dreaming of singing on stage

When you dream about singing on a stage, it means that you will soon have a declaration to make. It will be either of love or justice. Your subconscious mind is trying to signal you to finally open up. You’ve been under a lot of pressure because you had no way to express your feelings. This sense of being trapped and lacking freedom weigh on you heavily.

When you occupy a stage in a dream while singing, it means that your subconscious wants you to pay attention to the part of yourself that you’ve been avoiding for some time. Freely open up and tell people everything that you’ve been holding back, because the truth is not always pretty, but always is appreciated. Find the courage to be who you are and to stand up for yourself. This is a very potent time for a breakthrough, so try to find the strength to stay in the game just a bit longer. Just stay honest to yourself and don’t be afraid to show the world the real you. Luck is on your side.

Singing in public

If you dreamed about singing in public, it means that you want to be approved of the environment that you’re in. You need confirmation of your worth and value from others more than you’d like to admit because you think that only then you will have the right to show your talents, qualities, and knowledge. It doesn’t have to represent literally artistic talents, but maybe also a job position or even a romantic need for approval.

Either way, right now you have the need to hear the words of praise and permission to be the person you want to be. Remember that this state of mind is utterly wrong – love and appreciation from others may just be earned with human qualities and a good soul, not because of something that you’ve accomplished or because of your social status. These are superficial ways to treat a human being. Find some time to dedicate to rebuilding your self-confidence and healthy self-love, for it is a virtue that will pay off the most in this life, we promise you.

Hearing someone sing

When you hear someone sing, it means that you will need to ask someone for advice concerning the life situation that you’re currently in. You have to ask others for help, but this event demands such behavior. People that are the closest to you will happily offer their assistance, and you will feel safe to listen to them.

However, on the way to solving the problem, you will hear some good news, or maybe have an interesting and inspiring conversation with someone – it will be a unique and wonderful experience. It will turn out to be a once-in-a-lifetime event that you’ve encountered. New connections will rejuvenate you and make a ripple effect in all other areas of your life.

Surrender to others and let go of control – life will take you exactly where you need to be, without you ever knowing how or why. Don’t burden yourself with these big questions, just take your guard down and show your vulnerability. Let someone help you – the reward will be well worth it.

Singing happily

If you dreamed about singing happily, it means that you want to talk to someone who brings you relief and safety. Something in life is wearing you down at the moment, and you need to get it off of your chest. You will seek a person whom you trust – like a lifelong friend, a family member, or maybe a romantic partner. The emotional problem must be overcome and resolved, and you feel that you can’t do it on your own. Feel free to open up, it is a time for a detox of your whole organism, especially through feelings. Talk and discuss everything that you want to know, it will immensely help you to evolve and transcend to the next level of your life.

Singing sweetly

When you dream about singing sweetly, it means that you will need to face serious adversity in the near future. You subconsciously use music as a filter for your thoughts and emotions, because you want to heal your soul, mind, and body. It is time to let everything out that you’ve been keeping to yourself and to express yourself freely in front of everyone.

Open your soul as wide as you can, for a light and relief to enter. Make an effort to release everything toxic around you and make space for something new to emerge in your life. If you neglect this urge to evolve and save yourself, your health may seriously suffer. Unplug all emotional pathways and show who you are and what you want. Find some will and strength to do this, because fortune favors the brave. You are just on time.

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