In today’s modern society, the makeup or beauty industry has made a tremendous impact on women all over the world. Various products, tutorials, giveaways have found their way through social media and are having huge effects in consumption.
Some might say that we use makeup to attract attention, others suggest it is a means of self-improvement and the rest would say that it is meaningless and useless for a true woman.
Nevertheless, putting aside the makeup we use or don’t use in everyday life, dreaming of makeup has similar interpretations as the opinions mentioned above. By using makeup to cover our imperfections and natural appearance, dreaming of it suggests that we are suppressing our true identity. Hiding behind the mask and improving our image in the eyes of others.
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Dreams of wearing makeup are not as demanding as the real deal, but can be pretty interesting. Why don’t you see for yourself.
Definition of a Makeup
A cosmetics applied to the face, used to enhance or alter the appearance.
Wearing makeup in a dream
Having a dream like this one does not only indicate that you are not being true to yourself, but rather it could be a reflection of your job role and the possibility to express your talents in a working environment. You may be holding yourself back, due to the lack of interest of the superiors.
Positive side of dreaming of wearing makeup is that you’re giving your best to upgrade your self-confidence and independence, and that you keep striving for constant self-improvement.
Wearing too much makeup
One thing is for sure, wearing too much makeup most definitely is not good for you. Nor for your skin. But since you already had a dream of wearing excessive makeup, it surely indicates that you are putting too much effort to make an impression in waking life. You are not acting yourself and it feels a bit fake, and you are afraid others might see through.
Perhaps you have been putting much attention to the outer appearance instead of the inner beauty, and others are starting to notice that. There is no need for such lack of confidence, you don’t have to hide your true nature in order to be liked.
A man wearing a makeup
If you were dreaming of wearing makeup, and you are male, then you should really think of how you present yourself to others. You are pretending to be someone you’re not in order to be liked. Perhaps you’re even too unsure of your man role and masculinity, and you feel like you should get back on the track.
Buying makeup
If you are spending your money on makeup products in your dream, you could be hiding something important and you are trying to cover it up. It must be extremely important to be putting all this effort into keeping your secret intact.
In addition, the dream of buying makeup can also be related to the feeling of insecurity. These feelings you’ve been suppressing for quite some time. You are probably not feeling good enough for your partner, and you don’t seem to like your mirror reflection, and all of this is making you feel less about yourself and to hide behind loads of makeup. Even in your dreams.
Dream of applying makeup
It can be as fast or as slow as you want. Sometimes good results take time, and why not enjoy the process along the way. Some women say putting makeup on is kind of calming knowing the challenging day that is ahead of them. To dream that you are putting makeup on your face indicates the need to level up your self esteem so you could feel more powerful and better about yourself. Before you take it the wrong way, this dream does not have to have a bad interpretation. On the contrary, it could actually mean that you are trying your best to achieve the goals you have set.
On the other hand, if you were dreaming of putting makeup on someone else, the dream might suggest that you are dealing with a deceitful and hypocritical person. Also, the dream could mean that you have been trying to ‘’makeup’’ with someone, but in order to do so there is a lot to be forgiven from both sides.
Someone else putting makeup on you
You are embarrassed by the things you hide as a secret deep within yourself, and it makes you feel uncomfortable with others. It may not be so embarrassing as you think and others could in fact help you. No need to feel that powerless when all you have to do is ask for help.
Wearing a lipstick of your dreams
Putting lipstick on or wearing it in your dream symbolises feelings of insignificance and inadequacy, but also the fact that you are not being correct and honest to the people in your surroundings. You are overwhelmed by the possible loss of control over your life, causing you to act improvidently.
Dreaming of removing the makeup
If you were removing your makeup while dreaming, it signifies that you feel the need to be open and honest with the people surrounding you. You want to be sincere about how you think and how you feel about certain things.
The secrets you’ve been hiding for awhile are no longer bearable and you need someone to share them with. Maybe your hidden truths are scary only to you, and if you let someone else take a sneak peek in your life, you might end up surprised.