Endless Oceans of Sand – Deserts: Dream Interpretation and Meaning

You tumble through the endless landscape, mistaking land for the sky. Shimmering air tricks your senses into believing you are not here on this planet, more like the mixture of heaven and hell. Barren land and infinite sky merge with your body and you have nowhere to hide, but to surrender into her lap, soft and secure. Just as you start to lose consciousness of this intoxicating illusion, you wake up.

Deserts in dreams usually symbolize your unconscious mind and represent stagnantly and lack of growth in your life. They can also represent feelings of isolation, abandonment, and loneliness. It can also be understood as a retreat to find and understand the sacred, teaming up with the underground life, rich and abundant with truths. Your subconscious self is inviting you to seek out the mysteries of existence, deep below the surface. If you are more focused on the sand in your dream, it means that you feel like the time is running out, keeping deeply buried in fears and insecurities of the passage of life.

If you are resting at an oasis in your dream, it represents positive future prospects and monetary ventures right around the corner.

Definition of a desert

a waterless, desolate area of land with little or no vegetation, typically one covered with sand.

Scroll through the page to find the interpretation that best suits the dream that you had. Hopefully, you will find the answers that you’ve been looking for.

Being inside of a desert

If you dreamed about being inside the desert, the dream interpretation may differ depending on the circumstances.

If you dreamed about crossing an empty desert, it means that a period of difficulties and troubles is waiting for you to overcome in the near future. Everything probably seems without any purpose and meaning and it is causing you to feel insecure and unhappy. Your life has been monotonous and pretty much the same for some time, so you deem everything as energy-draining and pointless. Step back and take a look at the bigger picture. Everything is constantly in motion, your feelings, your thoughts, your desire, and your whole concept of self. Dynamics is inevitable in this life. Pay attention to wonderful people and the good circumstances you in, despite them being trying at times. All of life experience is initiating you to change and to evolve into a better and more complete version of yourself. Take some time to go inward and detach from your outer world – you will see the great difference in your attitude toward your life. Trust yourself and you will cross the river of change as a winner, completely transmuting worse for the better.

If you dreamed about being lost in the desert, it means that you are currently feeling like the only one taking the responsibility, while nobody else seems to care at all. You feel unsupported and completely left to yourself while going through a tough transition in your life. It is ok to feel afraid about it, but you have to become aware that complete freedom lies in accepting and embracing your state. You can do it without any help from anyone – you are that strong. Believe in yourself more than you believe in anyone or anything in this world.

However, if you dreamed about surviving in the desert, it suggests that you are feeling abandoned, loveless, and rejected in your waking life. You’ve fallen for the illusion of not being enough and dragging guilt and shame with you everywhere you go. Remember, happiness is already inside of you waiting to be allowed to enter your life.

Dreaming about various desert appearances

If you dreamed about various appearances of the desert, the meaning may differ depending on the details.

If you dreamed about the mesmerizing and utterly beautiful desert, it means that you are currently in the position to completely turn around any situation that you find yourself in. You are unbelievably resourceful and skilled to overcome any obstacle that you bump into, without any accompanying hardship. Perhaps you are faced with difficulties and serious issues of life, but you will wonderfully use your circumstances to completely turn the tables. You will achieve amazing results and create beautiful opportunities for yourself and others. Don’t worry, luck is on your side.

If you dreamed about the desert dunes appearing as mountains, it implies difficulties in your professional and emotional life. These turbulences will suddenly appear in front of you, catching you completely unprepared and off guard. You will powerless and overwhelmed with the pressure to face them, but maybe it is better to just avoid and ignore the situation until you shake off the first scary impression. Take some time to calm your head and heart and then make an evaluation of everything. You will see a drastic change in perception after collecting your energy and recuperating yourself.

However, if you dreamed about a dark desert night, it indicates great life losses and issues. Prepare for your surroundings to be completely transformed, including the people that are currently present. Gather strength to endure the transition period, because everything will be much easier after the first impact.

Seeing objects in a desert

If you dreamed about various objects in the desert, the meaning may differ depending on the details.

If you dreamed about the desert sand, it suggests that you will go through a period of volatility while being isolated. You can’t seem to put your feet firmly onto the ground. You feel like everything is sinking below you and you can’t do anything about it. Breathe deeply and stop panicking, because with a little effort you will make it through it. Nothing is lost, everything is completely fine. Trust yourself, because you are the only one who has infinite power to influence your life.

If you dreamed about the desert storm, it means that some life turbulences in your romantic life await you. You will have to reevaluate your relationship and the person you’re with. Reflect on it deeply and be honest with yourself – does that connection makes you feel free and fulfilled? Cut everything that doesn’t serve and nurture your true self.

If you dreamed about the flower blooming in the desert, it suggests that you will be able to thrive during the tough times. You will turn everything into your strength and advantage. Don’t be afraid and low if feelings of isolation overwhelm you. You are meant to prosper and grow through the events and experiences that life presents you with.

However, if you dreamed about a desert scrub, it suggests a period of financial lack and difficulty. You will have to think of ways to save money and to restrict your spending habits to last through this. Leto goes of the pressure to earn and the constant feeling of lack because that is what’s causing these harsh circumstances.

However, if you do spend a lot, make sure that money is well spent – help people who face the same difficulties as you do. The more you give, the more comes back to you.

Dreaming about colors of the desert

If you dreamed about the various colors of the desert, the meaning may differ depending on the details.

If you dreamed about the red desert, it means that you will have to make a big decision in the near future. Simply listen to your intuition and surrender to the intelligent force to guide you through everything. You need to have absolute faith in yourself because you can make it. Open your heart and let it shine its light on your world. If you let go, all will naturally fall into its place.

However, if you dream about the white desert, it suggests that you are heading toward spiritual cleaning and emotional purification. Practice mindfulness and meditate as much as you can. Sit with your feelings and thoughts, while not resisting them. Just let yourself be. If you experience a purge of your old triggers and emotions, don’t be afraid of them. Everything that has been repressed for a very long time is finally surfacing and finding its way out of your body. It is a good sign of the development process and soul expansion. Surrender everything you have for everything you truly are.

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