Walking Through the Valley of Death – a Lethal Dream Encounter

Talking about death, in general, is not something people like to do. It is a subject that people fear the most or feel uncomfortable talking about. The imminence of death is what makes it so hard and yet, at some moments, so easy to accept. 

Multiple cultures of the world have created a common belief in life after death. Some call it heaven, some reincarnation. Sometimes life is just a lot easier to deal with if we believe that death isn’t the final destination. 

Dreams of death can be quite disturbing. Not just for the death itself, but also for the people whose death we dream about. And, if we dream of our own death, we wake up worried and overwhelmed by the nightmare. 

In terms of dream meaning, death is not a premonition of something bad and lethal in the near future. More likely a time of change is about to happen. It is our personal experiences with death that give a dream of death a specific context.

Definition of Death

The end of life, or permanent cessation of all vital functions.

Carriers of death paying you a visit in a dream or shall we say…Boo?!

No wonder you are reading these lines, you must have been freaked out by what you dreamt of. There is an old myth saying that if you dream of death, death will come for real. Take it as it is, just a myth. 

Death in dreams is more like a symbol of change, of leaving something old in the past and making room for new beginnings. Is it a toxic relationship, or just a relationship you have lost interest in? Maybe you are changing your job and starting something brand new and different, and it is frightening you? 

Usually, it is the big changes in our lives that trigger our deepest fears, causing these deathly dreams. Major turning points in life like leaving home or getting married can also be the reason why we dream of death at the end of an era. Try focusing on the bright side of changes or at least, accept it as something that had to be done or had to happen. Life is more bearable once we learn to accept the things we can’t change and that are out of our hands.

What happens when someone we love dies in a dream?

You’ve probably had these kinds of dreams more than once, right? Did you wake up and hit that phone, just so you could hear the voice of your go-to person? Yes, it happens a lot. 

If in reality the person you dreamed of is ill and you are worried sick, then these dreams are reflecting your inner struggles and fears for the life of the person you care about. But, most times, the death of someone we know has nothing to do with the actual health of that person. 

More likely it is the virtues or qualities of that person that you find missing in your life. Maybe it has to do with how you deal with relationships or different situations, and you wish you are doing it better. It is a good sign because it points out your need for self-improvement. 

On the other hand, if the person you dreamt of is someone you find quite interesting and amusing, with an entertaining role in your life, then death is reflecting your deepest fears of giving up on the funny side of your being. You are putting the equal sign between growing up and being serious, instead of being yourself in a world full of compromises. Nobody said being an adult is an easy thing to do, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you have to give up on fun. 

If the person that dies in a dream is your parent, then maybe it’s time for you to sit and talk to them. Your relationship with them as a child is evolving, and changes are inevitable. Perhaps you have been afraid of their opinion, but you need to face it. Otherwise, you won’t solve a problem. 

Another point of view is that seeing your mother’s death is relatable to aggregated stress in your waking life, which must be eliminated. And, if it’s your father’s death that you dreamed of, then you are probably desperate and needy for support in your life, especially in life-changing points. 

If it’s your friend’s death you had a dream of, then your dream is purely reflecting your thought of your friendship and the phase you’re in. Perhaps some transitions are happening, good or bad, and it will affect your relationship and future plans. 

If you had a dream of your deceased relatives, it points out the way you are dealing with the loss in real life. Even though our relatives aren’t siblings, they are still a part of the family. Your dream is just the way your subconscious mind is processing the loss and the tragic situations. Let yourself heal the way your body and your mind demand. 

If you dreamt of a child’s death, then you have had the most disturbing dream of all. But, regardless of whether you are a parent or not, it has nothing to do with it. The dream is more related to the inner child of yours, trying to cope with the world full of grown-ups, pretending to be of more relevance than they actually are.

Being the witness of your death in a dream – a heart attack alert! 

Dreaming of your own death is as creepy as a death in general. Still, it’s the dream that probably frightens you the most. Needless to say, why? For your own sake, stop worrying so much. Nothing bad is going to happen. You are experiencing life-changing situations, like a job switch, or relationship upgrade or breakup, etc. It is the old you struggling with the new you, for being unrecognizable to yourself and how you’ve always been. It may have nothing to do with actually growing up, but only with self-growth.  

In case you are faking your death while dreaming, besides being a strange dream, then you are obviously looking for something new. New job, new partner, but no matter what it is, you are up to it. A fresh and clean start is utterly needed. Just go easy with the dream. 

Your favorite furry friend’s death dream

Dreaming of a pet is like playing with your favorite toy in reality. A pet dying in a dream is like leaving or breaking the toy, stepping out of your comfort zone. Seeing your sweet little friend dying in a dream is equal to emerging your independence in waking life. You are ready to face life itself.

Do you see dead people in a dream? Try rom-com, for a change

There is nothing bad about dreaming about the people who have died. Besides the fact that it creeps you out and that it feels like a zombie attack? Well, it is what it is. The dream is scary but only while dreaming. It is just the process of grieving that you are dealing with in reality and that is why you are transferring the deceased into your dream sphere. Give yourself some time to process everything. Life nor death can’t be forced.

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