Walking Through the River of People – Crowd: Dream Meaning and Symbolism

Walking Through the River of People Crowd Dream Meaning and Symbolism

Thousands of people aimlessly standing and bumping into you. You feel like the space around you is rapidly shrinking and the cold sweat washer over your body. But, luckily enough you wake up. Dreams about the crowd usually represent different aspects of yourself, such as anxieties, strengths, and weaknesses. Such dreams also help you understand your way of interacting with society in general. They indicate how well your inner parts of self are integrated.

Look closely at how the faces of the people in the crowd are reacting because they depict the public opinion of you. But obviously, the interpretation of this kind of dream depends heavily on the context.

Scroll through the rest of the page to find the answer that best fits the experience you’ve had in the dreamland.  Hopefully, you won’t leave disappointed.

Definition of the Crowd

A large number of people gathered together in an unorganized way.

Being in the crowd

When you dream about being in the crowd, it usually means that some uncontrolled outburst of emotions is well on your way in the near future. You seem to be extremely overwhelmed by everything you see or hear which makes you utterly vulnerable and aggressive in return. It is possible that you will have many arguments with the people closest to you. Everything gets on your nerves and your senses feel intensely heightened and aroused. Impulsive reactions will be your go-to way to defend yourself, but they won’t pass without the consequences.

Take time to think about your words and behaviors – pause and concentrate every time you wish to respond. Those who know you very well will automatically recognize what’s going on, and they will wait for the tornado to pass. Don’t take advantage of their patience and understanding – they do it because they love you.

Consider everyone’s thoughts and feelings, because you are not alone in this world. Work silently on your self-control and remember that everything is infinitely ok.

To get lost in the crowd

If you dream about getting lost in the crowd, it means that you are currently suffering from a severe anxiety disorder. But don’t worry, we’re not trying to say that you’ve lost your mind. You are probably just under the extreme pressure of trying to live up to someone’s expectations. You are most likely the type of person who despises public performances, which makes you utterly sensitive to such situations. You are hard-working, diligent, and responsible in everything that you do, but always the man from the shadows – you hate the praise and the spotlight. This kind of repressed behavior indicates low self-esteem and feelings of unworthiness.

Try to find your purpose and worth through careful examination of your qualities and talents. Don’t try to resist this advice with the famous words ‘yes, but, because everyone has a unique reason for being here on this Earth. Take time to ponder these big questions and be sure that the satisfying answer will not subside. Unlock your inner power and listen to your intuition. Solutions always lie in front of our very noses. 

Dreaming about being naked in the crowd

If you dreamed about being naked in the crowd, it usually means that you are afraid of stating your opinion to other people. You tend to conform and obey the authorities in your life, although oftentimes you see the rotten nature of their intentions. You avoid everything that could potentially be stirring the pot, and confrontation is your worst nightmare. This subconsciously driven submissiveness is the cause of your overemphasized ambition. You choose only leading positions in society, thinking that gaining power over others will compensate for the lack of self-love. Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but it never will.

Try to find the real value deep within yourself, because intrinsic worth is an unbelievably strong motivator. Superficial accomplishments and status won’t satisfy your need for affirmation and respect – it has to come naturally from the depths of your heart. Don’t be afraid to show your true self to the world, it is the only way of obtaining the admiration you seek.

To dream about the crowd at the airport

When you dream about the crowd at the airport, it symbolizes the great strides of your upcoming love life. You are likely to meet someone who will turn your world upside-down and make you feel at cloud number nine once again. You think that this isn’t possible, yet you will convince yourself that life is full of surprises. If everything passes as planned you might also be proposed by your lovely soulmate. Try to enjoy this extremely potent time of your love life, because it is surely a once-in-a-lifetime type of offer.

Open yourself to love and affection. The energy you put into any relationship will certainly come back two-fold. Trust your intuition – you can’t go wrong this time!

Seeing the crowd at the concert

If you dreamed about seeing the crowd at the concert, it indicates that you’ve fallen into a trap of neverending boredom. Every hour of every day looks and feels the same to you. Stagnant and monotonous way of life is slowly getting over the top of your head – you can’t tolerate it any longer. You lack an adrenaline rush of true excitement – that tingling sensation that washes over your body and soul, making you untamed and free. The despair of confinement and self-imposed limitations will influence your mental health, so you might be prone to periodic episodes of depression. But be aware that you are largely responsible for this because you are not doing anything to change that.

Leaving your comfort zone for goodwill definitely solve all your problems. Try to find the courage and strength to surrender yourself to open waters. If you persist – many interesting things will happen.

Having a fight in a crowd

When you dream about having a fight in a crowd, it means that you will suffer the consequences of a panic attack. You feel very unstable and vulnerable, although you are trying your best to look composed. Recent pressure wrecked your patience and sense of peace, leaving you disturbed and weak to move on. You have to become aware that all those feeling are exaggerated – everything is in your head.

Use all your mental faculties to get rid of the negative energy that is slowly – but surely – sucking the life force out of you. Make sure you spend enough time in nature, far away from the modern and accelerated lifestyle. Read a book, go for a walk, or just sit in silence. Inner peace will regenerate and calibrate you.

Physical activity is always a good start. Either way, turn within and rest your nerves – everything else will inevitably fall into its place.

Dreaming about losing someone in the crowd

If you dreamed about losing someone in a crowd, it means that your past is constantly bothering you. A buried memory keeps recurring in your mind, and it seems that the solution for resolving it once and for all doesn’t exist. The anxiety and disturbance probably won’t let you sleep for days on end, because it is something you certainly cannot control. Try to sink deep into your world of thoughts and find the trigger that keeps anchoring you to the past. There must be a person or a situation that reminds you of that event.

Isolate yourself and let go of the hurt so your wounds can finally heal. Forgiveness is always the key. The moment has finally come to bury the old and to build the new. Reckless decisions and ignorance are the behaviors you should definitely avoid – they are only moving you even further away from the solution. Learn to stay in the present moment and don’t let your focus scatter. Ultimate peace can only be found in letting go of everything that ties you down to your fears and insecurities. Persist and the closure will come.

To see the crowd running

When you dream about the crowd running, it means you should be prepared for arguments and conflicts in the near future. Your nerves are irritated and sensitive to almost everything you witness. Try not to radiate your anger toward the people you love, because it will only return the other way, straight to your lap. What comes around, definitely goes around. Think before you say anything, and if you see that you’re losing control, withdraw and regenerate yourself in silence. Make space for yourself and stay away from people when you’re in that negative state.

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