Going the Opposite Direction? No, You Are Dreaming Backwards

Doing things the opposite way of how it is supposed to be is either related to a human trait of just being contradictory to everything or everyone, or it is a sign of being overexposed to stressful situations in life. When facing fearful situations in life, most of us stop and rethink. Some of us take a step or two backwards. It is a natural self-defense mechanism. 

When dreaming of doing something backwards, no matter what it is, it usually means that you are doing things the opposite way of everyone else, or doing something nobody else is doing. Your life has reached a point in time where you stopped progressing and the decisions you are making are not the right ones. 

Like many other things in our lives, there are times when we have ourselves to blame if something is not right, but there are also times when things are out of our control and it is the others who are in charge. 

That being said, if you had a dream of doing or going backwards, you should try to determine the reason you are moving backwards. Are you going backwards because you decided so or because someone or something is forcing you to?

If you take a close look at your current life, you may find out what is pushing you in reverse, and not letting you advance in life. 

It might be confusing and clueless about what it means to dream backwards. But if we tell you that this is one of the most common dreams people have had, would you keep reading?

Definition of Backwards

Towards the direction that is the opposite to the one that is in front of you.

Moving backwards or forward? Ask your dream!

Speaking of dreaming going backwards in general, it can be associated with feelings of insecurity or lesser achievement. You are a grown-up, you have your job, a respectful career, which means you are making decisions on a daily basis. All of the sudden, you withdraw, start reflecting on your moves, deciding to quit or give up on your plans, and all of that because you are not confident in yourself. Your behavior is reflecting in your dreams, where you find yourself doing everything backwards. 

Sometimes the reasons for this kind of behavior are connected to the childhood we had and the raising pattern we were exposed to. 

Perhaps your parents didn’t give you the support you needed, and you had to manage the best you could. That is what might’ve made you so doubtful of yourself. 

Moving backwards in a dream could be related to some fearful situation you are going through in your waking life. Something is bothering you on a higher level and you can’t cope with it. Maybe it has to do with your relationship or a job. You are taking a step back to slow down and think it all over again.

Sometimes dreaming of going backwards has to do with goals you have set up for yourself, but the goals are almost impossible to achieve. More and more you are feeling like you are losing your energy and power to continue.

Standing backwards while talking to people? How rude! Even in a dream.

If you had a dream of not facing the people you were talking to, most likely you would find yourself uncomfortable while talking about certain issues. Intimate topics are causing you discomfort, and you’re afraid of being too emotional and that it will show. You don’t want to open up about your life as much as the person you are talking to wants you to. Some things are too embarrassing to be known. 

Run faster than your dream, but try doing it backwards!

Not only are you moving backwards but you are doing it fast! You keep running backwards in your dream, even though nobody is chasing you. Well, you most definitely love to be different from others. You are a free spirit, inventive, thinking outside the box, and you like it because you don’t feel the need to accept moral and societal standards. You like the fact that others see you as a rebel and an eccentric. It even forces you to keep up at your pace. 

Is it a backstroke or backwards? A dream shall say

So, you find yourself floating on your back in the pool, then you start swinging your arms over your head, breathing heavily and at pace. It all seems quite relaxing, but you may wonder what it is about the dream that makes you so restless. 

Swimming backwards in your dream is a symbol of being in delusion. You have your goals set up, and plans worked out, but you are still not making any progress. Even though it seems like you are. 

Sometimes we don’t even notice when decisions we’ve been making are leading us in the opposite direction of our plans. That usually happens when we are overly confident and start to act superiorly. 

Contrarily, it also might be the fact that you are unadaptable to modern standards, and keep pushing the old fashioned way of doing business.

Never look backwards! Not even in your dream!

Is it too obvious to say that you are purposely avoiding confronting your past or the people in it? You are carrying residues from past relations, people who hurt you, both physically and mentally. If you can tell what or who was in front of you in your dream, then looking backwards while dreaming might be more understanding. 

You should know one thing. Looking backwards is never a good idea. 

Whether you were happy or sad at some point in your past, going back to those feelings is holding you in the past. Yes, we all have those moments at least once in a lifetime, but if you stick to those feelings, you will lose any sense of progress in your present time. 

It could be that the real world that is in front of you is scary and that the future is uncertain. Perhaps you should seek help, instead of withdrawing to your shell. No one can lift you the way you can. 

Dreaming of wearing your clothes backwards? Talk about jinx!

Are you one of those superstitious people or just an eccentric? In any way, if you had a dream of wearing your clothes backwards, that just might be a sign of being at peace with yourself. You feel satisfied with your accomplishments. People may be envious of you, but you don’t care. On the other hand, if someone else was wearing their clothes backwards, then you are the jealous one. 

Falling backwards out of your dream

Too many steps taken backwards and you find yourself falling. Perhaps in your waking life, you are not ready to take the next big step. Whether it has to do with your personal or professional life, you are having second thoughts and want to rethink it through. Also, it could be that you are stopping yourself from making bad decisions, that would be a point of no return.

Having these kinds of dreams can be a sign of insecurity and lack of confidence, but also it can signify your feelings of being at a higher level than others. In your mind, you have raised yourself above everyone else less successful, but deep within you still feel uncertain of your position. 

Feeling the need for speed while driving backwards? Dream on!

Dreams of driving backwards are connected to your feelings of stagnation in life. You were making progress, had a lot of plans and goals set, but for some reason, it all stopped and now you are blocked. Your mind is regressive and if you do nothing to stop it, you might end up losing all that you gained with your hard work so far. 

Alternatively, driving backwards in a dream means your life is in a pretty chaotic state. You are rushing from one chaos to another, without paying much attention to the rest of the world, and without the will to admit it. Before you ruin your friendships or relations, stop and reflect. This might be the point of no return. 

Dreamfully going backwards in time

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could buy ourselves a time machine and visit ourselves in the past? It sure sounds promising. But, when you dream of going back in time, then you may not be at peace with yourself. Some things from your past or even childhood are constantly following you, like a stormy cloud over your head.  

Also, your dream could imply that you feel stuck in your job and you need some new ideas and refreshments in your life. That is why you’re going back to a place in your childhood where you began the awareness of the world surrounding you. 

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